Jul 19, 2018 (Toronto) – PharmAchieve today announced that is has been selected as the exclusive training and certification provider for the TELUS Kroll Pharmacy software platform. Working with TELUS Health's Kroll division, PharmAchieve will launch a certification program that will allow pharmacists, technicians and pharmacy assistants to be trained on the Kroll pharmacy platform both in-person and online. Those who complete the 2 day course and pass the requisite exam are given the title Certified TELUS Kroll Professional on their resumes signifying that they have proficiency in the Kroll platform.
Says, the Achieve Group CEO, Hooman Katirai, "This TELUS Kroll certification program will be useful to both new and experienced pharmacists alike. For new pharmacists, it will, as part of our "Get Hired" bundle of courses, provide them an advantage in the job market. For experience pharmacists it will help them master advanced Kroll functions by themselves, instead of having to call technical support."
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About the Achieve Group:
The Achieve Group of Companies which includes PharmAchive (, NurseAcheive ( are among Canada's largest companies for training healthcare professionals including pharmacists, nurses and physicians. The company provides preparatory courses and products for licensing exams as well as for continuing education. It is currently, the only preparatory course provider for the PEBC exams accredited as a certified institution by the Canadian Government.
About the TELUS Kroll Pharmacy Solution:

The TELUS Kroll platform is used by a diverse group of pharmacy clients including chains, banners, institutions, independents, long-term care facilities and specialized clinical settings. Backed by more than 30 years of experience and customer satisfaction, Kroll™ PMS continues to evolve to support the ongoing evolution of the pharmacy practice.